Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Story for Horror Day

As most of you know, Friday was Horror Day, where many prominent members of the horror writing community banded together to make the public aware of this awesome genre.

Martin Livings, the author of Carnies and Stephanie Gunn pulled off an incredible feat of bringing together some of the most prominent names in the horror-writing community in a special online anthology exclusively for Horror Day. Well known authors such as Stephen Dedman and Robert Hood were featured along with many other gifted authors.

Although I couldn't contribute much myself, since I was chained to my desk at work all day, I thought since it's Horror Day, I'll write a flash fiction piece completely from scratch to mark the occasion.

It took half an hour to belt out my story titled, Prized Possession. Now, here's the scary part. The word count of the first draft weighed in at 666. Coincidence? Get this. The story is about a black BMW - the idea for the story has been in the back of my mind for a little while and I had the licence plate pictured in my head before I even put pen to paper (TZF-666). Cue the Twilight Zone theme!


Mark Smith-Briggs said...

Hi Chris,

Just a quick note:
The Horror Day anthology was put together by Carnie's author Martin Livings and not Marty Young.

Great work on the story though.


Mark Smith-Briggs said...

Hi Chris,

Just letting you know I've just updated my blog it: