A Little Progress...
Well, I've hit the halfway mark with The Devil's Number so I think I'll finish the first draft ahead of schedule. It's surprising really that I haven't hit a real snag yet with the story, wondering where to go next with the plot line. What's different about this project is I know exactly how it's going to end. That's something I've never been able to do before and it allows me to stay focused and trigger key events that lead to that climax I have in my sights.
I have to admit I'm amazed that I've physically written 12,500 words. I didn't think it was possible. Although I can see that some of the exess wordage and repetition will have to go in subsequent drafts and I can already tell that once I reach 25,000 words, the easy part will be over. The hard part will be the extensive editing and re-writes. But once the first draft is complete, I plan on putting the manuscript away for no less than a month. Then I'll come back to it with a fresh eye and get out my trusty red pen.
Mmm...what's going to happen to Peter Vaughan next?
What I'm reading: Stephen King's The Cell